
The Many Ways in Which the World Enjoys Fast Food

If you were inclined to think that the concept of fast food was essentially American and the whole world thought fast food to mainly comprise hamburgers, pizzas, fried chicken, etc. you wouldn’t be entirely correct. The world relishes a great diversity in fast food in…


Hire A Wedding Planner in Delhi For The Wedding

The Wedding Day preparations are certainly not a task that is easy to get done. It takes a lot of planning and preparations and makes people really distressed in making the arrangements. Everyone wants their wedding day celebration to be grand that they can cherish…

outdoor wedding

Top 7 Tips to Organize Outdoor Wedding

Ah, an outdoor wedding! The sunny blue sky, nature smiling up on you and romantic slow breeze…at least, this is how you dream of it to be. However in reality, there is a lot that can go wrong when you are celebrating in the open….

wedding palnners in delhi